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Date: 28/05/2023
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Village Panchayat Hall, Latambarcem, Bicholim
Suraksha Warriors cordially invites you to be a part of an extraordinary event commemorating International Menstrual Hygiene Day. Prepare to embark on a journey of empowerment, awareness, and celebration as we come together to promote menstrual hygiene and uplift women worldwide.
We are honored to welcome our esteemed Chief Guests, the world-famous pop singer Hemaa Sardesai and the distinguished Dr. Sandhya Kini Mayenkar, Entrepreneur & Social Worker. Their presence will grace the event with inspiration and motivation.
The event will commence with an enchanting Opening Ceremony, symbolized by the ceremonial lamp lighting by our esteemed guests. This auspicious moment will set the tone for the festivities that lie ahead.
One of the highlights of the evening will be a mesmerizing cultural dance performance by the talented Puja Usapkar. Through her graceful movements, she will take us on a cultural journey that will leave us captivated.
We are fortunate to have Dr. Megha Salgaonkar join us to share invaluable insights in her talk on menstrual hygiene. Her expertise will shed light on the importance of awareness and breaking societal barriers, emphasizing the need for change.
During this event, we will take a moment to appreciate and honor the outstanding efforts of our Suraksha Warriors team. They have tirelessly worked to promote Suraksha Warriors, a non-profit organization dedicated to menstrual hygiene. Special awards will be presented to acknowledge their dedication and commitment.
Prepare to be amazed as participants showcase their culinary skills in a thrilling cooking competition. The creativity and passion on display will leave you in awe, as our distinguished judges evaluate the exceptional talents of the contestants.
In recognition of the achievements of remarkable women in various fields, we will present the Women’s Appreciation Awards. These awards will celebrate their contributions, inspiring others to reach for greatness and break barriers.
Stay tuned as we unveil the winners of the cooking competition, revealing the exceptional culinary talents that impressed our esteemed judges. The suspense and excitement will be palpable as we announce the deserving winners.
Finally, we will conclude the event with a heartfelt vote of thanks by Carol Fernandes, expressing our gratitude to all attendees and participants for their presence and contribution in making this celebration a grand success.
Don’t miss out on this momentous occasion! Join us as we stand together to promote menstrual hygiene and empower women worldwide. Together, we can create a positive change and ensure a brighter future for all.
#SurakshaWarriors #InternationalMHDay #MenstrualHygieneDay #ChiefGuests #HemaaSardesai #DrSandhyaKinimayenkar #Entrepreneur #Socialworker #OpeningCeremony #CulturalDance #PujaUsapkar #TalkOnMenstrualHygiene #DrMeghaSalgaonkar #TeamAppreciationAndAwards #CookingCompetition #WomensAppreciationAwards #WinnersDeclaration #VoteOfThanks #EmpowerWomen #CelebrateHygiene #TogetherForChange